How to add a browser tab icon (favicon) for a website? | वेबसाइटसाठी ब्राउझर टॅब चिन्ह (फेविकॉन) कसे जोडावे? | वेबसाइट के लिए ब्राउज़र टैब आइकन (फ़ेविकॉन) कैसे जोड़ें?

What Is A Favicon?

Just, a favicon is a little, straightforward symbol used to speak to a website, brand, or business. Favicons help improve client experience by giving a reliable marker that tells website guests that they are on a similar webpage as they explore because of a steady visual. 

The term favicon originates from "most loved symbol." This wording dates to Internet Explorer days when bookmarked pages were designated "Top picks." The favicon was first embraced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for HTML 4.0, around 2000, and it began showing up more reliably in program windows the next year. 

Use favicons to flip immediately between program tabs, recognize a bookmark, or locate a spared application or easy route on your telephone. The visual identifier is the thing that a great many people use to connect these connections and pages with the correct catch to get to them. 

Generally, favicons utilized an .ico document design, however that is less of an issue now. Any straightforward record type will work in many cases; .png is frequently the organization of decision. 

Technical Considerations

At one time all favicons were excessively little 16-pixel squares. That is not the case any longer with all the more superior quality retina screens and alternate route symbols to consider. 

HTML 5 incorporates guidelines for favicons with various sizes for a wide range of employments, from little program symbols to PC docking station symbols to home screen symbols. You don't even truly require that 16-pixel square any longer.

Modern favicon sizes and usage:

  • 32×32: Standard for most desktop browsers (replaces 16×16)
  • 128×128: Chrome store and small Windows 8 star screen icon
  • 152×152: iPad touch icon
  • 167×167: iPad Retina touch icon
  • 180×180: iPhone Retina icon
  • 192×192: Google Developer web app recommendation
  • 196×196: Android home screen icon

While it appears to be a symbol that is so may be inconsequential as far as the general plan, that is a long way from valid. 

Best Practices

So how can you make the most of a favicon?

Keep these best practices in mind:

  • A favicon should connect to your brand identity, but is often too small to include an entire logo. Use an identifiable element such as the first letter of your brand name or a tiny mark that you use in conjunction with the brand.
  • Think about shape. The space for a favicon, by default, is square. If you want anything else, a transparent background is necessary. Some systems can also round the edges, making that another consideration to keep in mind.
  • Make sure the file is small, but not too small. Upload a favicon size that will render properly on most devices, but won’t bog down the overall website.
  • Avoid words or complex elements in the favicon design.
  • Stick to a simple streamlined color palette for the favicon. It’s too small to get crazy with color. That’s why most of these tiny icons use little more than a background and foreground color with a lot of contrast between the two.

A favicon says a great deal regarding your image and website. Clients have generally expected them in the event that they can't distinguish them by name. These little components add to the general client experience and brand.

There are actually two ways to add a favicon to a website.

<link rel="icon">

Simply add the following code to the <head> element:

<link rel="icon" href="">

PNG favicons are supported by most browsers, except IE <= 10. For backwards compatibility, you can use ICO favicons.

Note that you don't have to precede icon in rel attribute with shortcut anymore. From MDN Link types:

The shortcut link type is often seen before icon, but this link type is non-conforming, ignored and web authors must not use it anymore.

favicon.ico in the root directory

From another 

All modern browsers (tested with Chrome 4, Firefox 3.5, IE8, Opera 10 and Safari 4) will always request a favicon.ico unless you've specified a shortcut icon via <link>.

So all you have to do is to make the /favicon.ico request to your website return your favicon. This option unfortunately doesn't allow you to use a PNG icon.

Design Techniques

Since a favicon is little, you may be slanted to plan it spontaneously in Photoshop. That is not the suggested course for life span. 

The top visual plan rule for favicons is to keep the plan straightforward. Try not to go over the edge with shading or text or brand components. 

Assemble your favicon in a vector instrument, for example, Illustrator or Sketch, at that point send out the plan to the important sizes. This will guarantee that as screen goals change, you'll have a favicon that stands the trial of time. (You'll should simply re-trade at another size.) 

The top visual plan rule for favicons is to keep the plan straightforward. Try not to go over the edge with shading or text or brand components. Taking a gander at the models in this post, you'll see that practically these small components are discernible at 16 by 16 pixels. 

Dodge deceives, for example, activity; they just disrupt everything here. 

Think of it as a plan challenge. It tends to be really hard to make something so little that it's anything but difficult to peruse. 

Spare the document as a straightforward png. It's a decent propensity that guarantees you won't end up with odd edges or fringes on the favicon. (Nothing looks more terrible than a rough white edge encompassing the symbol.) 

Utilize the standards of good plan. No one can tell when the favicon may be utilized for something at a bigger, more noticeable size. Sparing a website bookmark, for instance, can utilize an enormous form of a favicon. The equivalent is valid for mooring and even in web index result sneak peaks. 

Despite the fact that it is little, this symbol speaks to your image. Plan it well. 

When you have the record prepared, you can add it to your website with only a few lines of code. (Numerous WordPress subjects and website developers as of now have a favicon component included so you don't need to consider this progression.) 

Subsequent to transferring the picture record, embed the accompanying code into the header of your website, taking note of that "iconpath" and "iconname" allude to your particular document component:

  • HTML index file: <link rel=”shortcut icon” type=”image/x-icon” href=”iconpath”>
  • WordPress: <link rel=”shortcut icon” type=”image/x-icon” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘url’) ?>/iconname”>.


What favicons need size, they make up in client experience. These symbols fill in as route instruments for guests on your site and those that will in general leave an excessive number of program tabs open. 

When in doubt, a favicon is a fast visual identifier that connects the client to your advanced presence. Take care with it to guarantee it is the best, more exact portrayal of your image.

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